
Bypass Lane

  • Challenge

    Develop an existing concept for an ordering solution for stadium venues that lets fans bypass long concession lines by placing orders on their mobile devices.

  • Solution

    Leverage smart application design, user testing, presentation and positioning to build for quick adoption and growth.

  • Results

    Within 2 years of launch, Bypass Lane was being used in 34 stadiums across all 4 major professional sports (plus MLS and college).

“Why didn’t we think of that?” We couldn’t help but ask ourselves this when we started working on Bypass Lane — a mobile application for ordering food at stadium events. It was a simple, novel idea that begged to be built, and offered a wealth of opportunities for implementation and growth. Over a period of 90 days, we were able to harness that potential, resulting in a popular, fully-functioning commercial application used by home venues of notable teams like the Philadelphia Eagles, the Texas Rangers, the Dallas Mavericks, Stanford University, the University of North Carolina, and the Washington Capitals.

  • Application Development Designed to Grow

    When we started, the Bypass app consisted of a great idea, some market research, and a good ol’ gut feeling. Viget worked with the product's founder to further define the nature and shape of the application across devices, from mobile to point-of-sale to desktop. Not only did we design the go-live features of Bypass, but we also built the platform for immediate growth post-launch, with native iOS and Android versions, and integrations with existing food systems used in venues.

  • User Testing Fine-Tuning the Prototype

    At the time of launch, Bypass was a pretty novel product, and we knew its success would be heavily influenced by the environment in which users were using the application — both the mobile app and the point-of-sale interface. Through informal and in-venue testing ahead of launch, we were able to advance Bypass in meaningful ways that better positioned it for quick adoption and growth.

  • Branding + Identity Building Credibility

    Presentation and positioning are essential components of a start-up's minimal viable product (MVP). Many entering the market are looking to raise additional funds or at least build awareness; and launching with a credible, thoughtful brand can prove incredibly valuable. In addition to building the app, Viget shaped the mark, overall palette and messaging (and personality) for Bypass, giving the start-up a persuasive and established stance as it continued to sell into large stadiums.

  • User Interface Design Multi-Device Development

    A particular challenge taking Bypass Lane from concept to usable application in just a matter of a few months was covering all the screens needed to realize the full experience. Not only did we need the app to run across various mobile devices, but we also needed a point-of-sale interface to receive and fulfill concession orders. And, of course, the start-up required a compelling marketing site to receive leads and market the application.


In a short amount of time, Viget was able to bring Bypass Lane from an awesome idea to a fully fledged application. We did this by incorporating scaling and integration to the application’s design. We completed informal and in-venue testing to ensure optimal positioning, and focused on building credibility via thoughtful visuals and messaging. Because of this, we were able to ensure that Bypass wouldn’t just exist, but grow into a fan favorite at stadium events.