August 3, 2017

Let’s Talk About:

Data as Creative Inspiration

For years, Viget has used data to understand user behavior, measure client successes, and inform critical decisions. We’re also leveraging data more prominently in the creative process itself to shape and inspire campaigns and experiences.

Much like how visual sketches facilitate ideation, exploration of relevant data at the outset of a project can yield new insights and concepts. Most recently, we’ve seen the value of this approach when celebrating a superstar’s dominance, examining corporate ethics, and even building a steampunk Internet-of-Things thermometer.

Read About JUST Capital - JUST Explorer

Community Thoughts on Data as Creative Inspiration...

  1. 1. “From Data to Ta-da! These 8 Creative Data Campaigns Brought the Magic” “Cannes introduced the Creative Data Lions in 2015. [It]...gave the industry the push it needed—to recognize data as precious fuel for creativity.”
  2. 2. The Sun - Dream Team UK Campaign “We studied years of data—1.2 million transactions—to find that everyone was cheating on their team. To build their ideal Dream Team, fans were secretly picking players from enemy clubs they hated. This data became the idea for our campaign.”
  3. 3. 'Thanks 2016, It's Been Weird,' Says Spotify in Biggest-Ever Global Campaign “There has been some debate about whether big data is muting creativity in marketing, but we have turned that on its head. For us, data inspires and gives an insight into the emotion that people are expressing."

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