

  • More Processes, Less Hardware

    Elixir is a functional programming language, which promotes a coding philosophy for short, fast, and maintainable code. Elixir executes its code in small, lightweight processes, which allows thousands of processes to run concurrently on less hardware than a typical Rails app would require.

  • A Growing Ecosystem

    Elixir ships with fantastic tooling and the growing open-source contributions means we can build and ship software faster. And since Elixir runs on the Erlang VM, which is used by companies such as Heroku and WhatsApp, we can leverage 30 years of libraries and best practices to ship world-class software.

  • Update Your Users as Changes Happen

    With the Phoenix web framework providing first-class support for WebSockets, we are able to push content updates to a user as they happen, in real-time. Whether it’s an online multiplayer gaming experience or a collaborative piece of software, Phoenix allows us to provide real-time support to our applications easily.