Mapping the NFL Player Journey

We cover:

  1. How we developed a research plan for the NFLPA to address our project goals
  2. How a feedback loop between data processing and visual prototyping informed our approach
  3. How the final journey map was inspired by data visualizations from outside of UX practice
  4. What we gained from our journey map, including the development of personalization features

About the Presenters

Curt HQ 0147

With a master’s in information science and human-computer interaction from UNC and a drive to see the world from many perspectives, Curt is a curious, adaptable researcher and designer. Curt's restless path to Viget includes experience in nonprofits and startups, along with side projects in music and film. He focuses on UX research, IA, UI design, and other acronym-based disciplines.

Kate HQ 0450

Kate’s background in the museum industry convinced her that technology at its best should inspire, inform, and connect people with powerful stories and experiences. Armed with double majors in history and cinema & media studies from Carleton College, she distills complex ideas into elegant digital strategies. 

Key Capabilities