
UI Developer

Viget is an independent digital agency that has been branding, designing, and building digital products and platforms since 1999. Our culture is ideal for lifelong learners seeking a variety of meaningful work, supportive collaboration with positive teammates, and a healthy work/life balance. We work from four sweet offices (hybrid) and remote locations throughout the U.S., and utilize a proven cadence of virtual and in-person meetings and retreats to build comradery and stay connected. We love our team.

If you join our industry-leading development team, you can expect to work on projects that will challenge you to learn and grow as a developer. You'll be working alongside project managers, user experience and visual designers, and other developers to collaborate with our clients from major brands to world-changing nonprofits to emerging startups and tech leaders. Viget == variety.

Our UI developers are responsible for building the front-end of visually rich digital experiences and compelling products using a variety of tech stacks while upholding our core mission of delivering modern, semantic, resilient, and accessible interfaces. On the design side, Viget’s UI developers collaborate closely with our Visual and Product Designers, who design primarily in Figma. In code, our UI developers often collaborate with our Platform Developers, who build and configure websites using PHP-based CMS platforms like Craft and WordPress, as well as our Application Developers, who build applications using open source frameworks like React and Ruby on Rails.

At this time, we're hoping to hire a mid-level UI Developer with several years experience building out visually rich interfaces.

To get a feel for how we think and what we're learning about, read our tech articles or check out our projects on Github.

Our UI Developers:

  • Find joy and challenge in building smart interfaces from designs and wireframes.

  • Know HTML and CSS inside and out, and are adept at using JavaScript to create compelling, usable and accessible interfaces.

  • Enjoy keeping up with the ever-evolving landscape of front-end technologies, while staying pragmatic about what to invest their time and energy in.

  • Take pride in building visually-accurate designs and are able to collaborate with designers to cover the bases of screen sizes and create delightful interactions.

  • Are passionate about digital accessibility and creating websites that work for everyone.

  • Can work within Craft, WordPress, or other PHP-based CMS platforms to build templates and interact with data.

  • Care about modern best practices, including code reviews, continuous integration and deployment, and iterative development.

  • Embody our core values of integrity, work ethic, collaboration, creativity, and lifelong learning (especially important as we continually evaluate and embrace new technologies).

  • Value mentorship, learning, and sharing knowledge.

  • Enjoy working with others in our collaborative environment that balances team-wide communication (e.g., standups, Slack discussions, code review), occasional pair programming sessions, and frequent blocks of focused, uninterrupted time for independent work.

  • Listen, collaborate, and communicate exceptionally well.

In a given week, our UI Developers might be:

    • In the thick of one large project or balancing 3 - 4 smaller development tasks. There is no typical week when it comes to projects, but the ability to context switch is essential.

    • Collaborating with our user experience and visual designers during early design phases to help shape the scope and success of a project.

    • Building out a design using Twig, working with a data model in Craft, or bringing an application UI to life. Our UI developers can work within a lot of different tech stacks.

    • Reviewing pull requests from other developers on the same project or across projects. We view PR reviews as opportunities to practice our “always learning and teaching” ethos.

    • Attending team meetings that are designed for sharing knowledge, surfacing concerns, and generally bringing together a group that is usually working separately across many projects.

      Everyone at Viget:

      • Embodies our core values of integrity, work ethic, collaboration, creativity, and lifelong learning.
      • Values mentorship, learning, and sharing knowledge.
      • Writes and speaks clearly and effectively when collaborating with teammates and clients.
      • Believes in and supports our commitment to building a diverse and inclusive company.

      Compensation and Benefits:

      • Annual base salary of $75,000 - $105,000 (mid level) per year depending on location, skills, and experience

      • Additional comp available via spot performance bonuses, sales referrals, and new hire referrals

      • 401(k) retirement plan matching up to 4%

      • 100% company-paid health and dental coverage for you and your family

      • Stipends for wellness (apps, gyms, etc.) and connectivity (mobile phone or home internet)

      • 15 days PTO (20 after 2 years), 9 paid holidays, and 2 community service days per year

      • Up to $2,000/year in conference and training (professional development) budget

      How to Apply:

      Introduce yourself using this application form. Please attach your resume as well. Our recruiters look forward to reviewing your application.

      Please note: Viget is a small company hiring with intentionality. Real humans will read your application.

      We encourage you to apply even if you don’t meet 100% of the qualifications and are actively seeking people from underrepresented groups to join our team.

      Before you get in touch, feel free to learn more about us on Twitter, Flickr, Vimeo, Instagram, and by exploring

      We maintain a drug-free workplace. We are unable to offer work visa sponsorship at this time.

      Viget is committed to creating a diverse and inclusive workplace where all of us feel valued and heard. We are proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer and do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ancestry, socioeconomic status, religion, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, marital status, military or veteran status, or any other legally protected characteristics. If you have any questions or need assistance or an accommodation due to a disability, please email