It’s Viget Week in Falls Church

Emily Bloom, Executive Vice President of People and Culture

Article Category: #News & Culture

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We've always tried to be good members of the web community, but it's also important to be good members of the local communities where we live and work.  

Three things came up this week in Falls Church, the "sub-urban village" that's home to Viget's HQ.

  1. Falls Church City Television - FCCTV, Falls Church's local cable access station, launched a new web site this week.  The site was donated by Viget under our community pro bono program.  Brian Williams, Viget's CEO, is a FCCTV volunteer board member and helped unveil the new site at the station's annual meeting on Monday. 
  2. Falls Church Chamber of Commerce Luncheon - Brian attended another local community event on Tuesday, where he was the speaker for the Chamber's monthly networking luncheon.  Brian's talk focused on "Social Network for Small Businesses" and sparked lots of good discussion about what to do -- and what not to do -- online.
  3. Falls Church City Schools - Business In Eduction (BIE) - Brian was honored this week to be named the BIE Partner of the Week in recognition for Viget's efforts this past year to support FCCTV (which operates in partnership with City schools), school teachers, and the annual career fair.

We're excited to continue to build strong relationships here in our local community.


Emily Bloom

Emily is Viget's Executive VP of People & Culture, hailing from our Durham, NC, office. She specializes in heart-to-hearts and asking questions that don’t have concrete answers.

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