September 22, 2016

Let’s Talk About:

Asking the Simple Questions

Planning for creativity sounds counter-intuitive. However, creativity doesn’t have to be chaotic. Our responsibility as designers, creatives, and consultants is to solve problems. When it involves our clients, we’re solving business problems. Asking deceptively simple questions can clarify needs and build solid foundations for creative projects.

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Community Thoughts on Asking the Simple Questions...

  1. 1. Is Your Project Pointless? “You can’t hit a target if there isn’t one.”
  2. 2. The Wishlist Button “The problem is, as designers, we can get caught up in our own loop. Obsessed with details that don’t always make a huge impact — we get married to a problem that doesn’t merit our time. We fall into a sunk cost fallacy, making irrational decisions.”
  3. 3. Brand Strategy: A Bird’s Eye View “Strategic process aims at defining a foundation and rationale for the brand, and ensure that design is specific to the needs of the client and the end user.”
  4. 4. An Introduction to Project Discovery “The more questions we can ask and answer up-front, the more likely it is that we can honor budgets, timelines, and our pipeline.”
  5. 5. Spice Up Your Pitch Life: Taking Your Scenario Analysis to the Next Level “Remember, there is no one right answer, just your right answer backed up by a well-reasoned rationale tied to what your client set out to achieve.”

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